I will explain how and why cellulite takes hold and what you can do about it.
bane of some women's lives it can make skin look less attractive, and from what
I have been told, forcing some women into changing which clothes they choose to
buy and wear.
causes bumps or an "orange peel" look to the surface of the skin. You
will mostly find cellulite on the hips, thighs and legs, however, it can also
be found on the stomach, upper arms and breast area.
Tips to Get Rid of Cellulite |
is often accompanied by stretch marks. It's also associated with circulation
problems, swelling and water retention (oedema). None of which are desirable in
any way.
women find that having cellulite is a massive confidence drainer which really
can affect their life in a negative way.
is not harmful, and is sometimes referred to as a cosmetic condition.
know people who get painful cellulite which is tender to touch, most people
want to get rid of it for aesthetic reasons.
believe cellulite is indicative of other problems within the body and is
certainly not a sign of healthy tissue.
will discuss the roles of food, exercise, hormones, circulation, dehydration
and water retention, which all play a part.
is not exclusive to people who are overweight, plenty of slim ladies suffer
from it too.
Supermodels and Olympic athletes have it.
What Causes Cellulite?
causes of cellulite are multifaceted.
or structurally - cellulite is caused by the fibrous connective cords, made of
collagen, that tether the skin to the underlying muscle.
the fat cells swell, they push upwards, against the tethered skin, and cause
the lumpy or uneven look to the skin.
on the whole affects mostly women.
does not appear overnight, it's a long term effect and creeps up on you over
years not months.
you have it, it's because whatever caused it has been going on for some time.
Weight gain and or body fat increases would have preceded the cellulite
things which cause cellulite are inter linked.
major problem in cellulite formation is the hormone - Estrogen (get ready to
learn a lot more about hormones, especially in next week's article).
would also say that lifestyle and toxins have a massive effect on levels of
cellulite FOR THE SAME REASON - estrogen.
example, in the long term, eating loads of highly processed foods will -
disrupt your hormones.
combined with other factors such as lack of exercise and dehydration can then
lead to weight gain, water retention, loss of blood flow and cellulite will
eventually appear on your body.
Fat Cells Are Broken
In a
general sense the fat cells are not working properly.
are meant to be removed from your system by your liver. When your liver is
overwhelmed, it can't do its job.
toxins in our food and environment are pushed back into the bloodstream and
then absorbed by the fat cell. Long term, high levels of pesticides and other
toxins mean the body will NEED to create additional fat to absorb the toxins or
"mop up the waste".
toxins find their way into the fat cells where they can be stored for many
years and cause oxidation/Inflammation (free radical damage).
toxins are stored in the cell membrane and the membrane becomes tough and
impermeable causing fat loss to be more difficult.
exposure to all of the toxins in today's world makes your fat cells toxic, this
soon becomes cellulite.
Tips to Get Rid of Cellulite |
cells normally are nice and smooth but once these harmful toxins enter the fat
cells it becomes misshaped, this is what the little bumps and lumps are on the
outside of the skin are.
is also an important factor in determining whether you will have cellulite or
not. The more exercise you do the less chance you have of getting cellulite.
is also a lot of evidence to suggest that genetics are very important in
determining if you will get cellulite and more specifically where. Have a look
at your closest family members and if they have cellulite there is a chance you
could get it in the same place.
does not only affect overweight people, it can affect all of us.
of my slimmer clients have cellulite and have body fat levels over 35%, they
are what is referred to as "skinny fat".
do some women get it and others don't?
has been suggested that the collagen in fibrous connective tissue (which
tethers the skin to the underlying tissue) may be a major factor in why some
ladies suffer while others don't.
is formed inside the body and the main substrates (or building materials) for
collagen are - vitamin C, proline, lysine, glucosamine and chondrotin sulphate.
So in theory supplementing with a product like Collagen Formula would help
reduce the formation of cellulite.
Cellulite Scale aka Nurnberger-Muller Scale
stages are as follows:
0 shows no dimpling when lying down or standing, and a pinch test shows folds
in skin but no visible cellulite.
1 shows no dimpling when lying or standing, but skin shows cellulite when
stage 2, cellulite is only visible when standing but not when lying down.
stage 3 a person has visible dimpling, both standing and lying down, and may
have raised areas and nodules.
Do We Get Rid of It?
I get into the top ways to remove it I would just like to say what won't work.
In today's world the obvious answer to all of our problems seems to be in a
pill or cream won't get rid of cellulite properly and in the long term. So
ladies please don't waste your money on expensive pills and lotions.
top 3 ways to blast cellulite away:
a note to say, these solutions will take time. You will not be able to just
snap your fingers and the cellulite is gone. It will require patience, hard
work and commitment.
Detoxify Your Fat Cells by Changing Your Nutritional Habits
we know the best way to get rid of these harmful toxins which play a huge part
in the development of cellulite is to detox.
primary aim of a detox is to cleanse the body inside out and flush out all of
the harmful toxins in the process allowing our body to function like it's meant
mentioned above some of the foods we eat bring toxins into the body which
heavily influences the appearance of cellulite.
first and most important step to removing cellulite from the body is just to
remove unnatural processed foods from your diet.
ditch the sweets, chocolates, fried food and fizzy drinks for healthy organic
natural fruit and vegetables, good quality carbs and lean meat. Drink plenty of
water too! This will aid the detoxification process and help to flush out
toxins from the body.
hydrated, drink plenty of water - about 1 litre for every 3.5 stone you weigh.
thing we need to remember is that these toxins don't only enter our bodies via
the food we eat.
also come from alcohol, perfume, make up, cleaning products and much more, so
aim to use environmentally friendly toxic free products where possible.
Exercise More
is more common in the lower body area. There are over 90 muscles in your lower
body all waiting to be strengthened and smoothed over!
mentioned earlier, pills and creams don't address cellulite at the root,
exercising will.
the areas efficiently where cellulite exists will help to improve circulation,
smooth out and support the skin around the cellulite; this will reduce the appearance
and give a better look.
well thought out balanced exercise programme will really help to blast away the
some quality cardio training with resistance training is the best way, again to
increase the circulation to the area.
You need
to really focus on the areas where cellulite exists. A shoulder press isn't
going to help the cellulite on your thighs. Exercises like squats, glute
bridges and lunges will - indirectly.
note: I'm not advocating "spot reduction". (spot reduction is where
people aim to reduce belly fat by doing sit up's and bum fat by doing squats
etc, this doesn't work, fat is taken from all over the body, not evenly
exercise is there to promote better blood flow and oxygenation of the tissues
and stimulate the surrounding muscles.
give yourself the best chance aim to exercise 3-5 times a week, it is also
important to rest your body between exercise sessions.
massaging the worst affected areas can help to reduce the appearance of
cellulite, this is why some creams seem to work a little, a basic massage oil
will be fine and much cheaper. You don't have to worry about any fancy spa
treatments or spending loads of money, you can do a lot of the things yourself
or get your partner/friend to help, I'm sure they'll be more than happy!
are eliminated from our body through the lymphatic system; applying pressure to
the muscles stimulates the blood and lymph flow, this then helps the lymphatic
system expel the stored away hard to reach toxins from our body.
with circular motions and ensure you don't press too hard, this can lead to
you massage all of the affected areas, if you aren't comfortable in doing this
yourself then you can easily get a professional massage which shouldn't cost
too much.
there are my top 3 tips for blasting away cellulite from the body, if you apply
all of these tips properly the cellulite should disappear over the coming
months and years, you should start to see improvements in as little as a couple
of weeks.
the longer the problem has existed the longer it will take to go away, so be
patient if needed and if you don't do it, I'm afraid to say it will only get
worse in the long run.
nothing is THE worst thing you can do. Avoid progressing through the levels,
nip it in the bud as soon as possible is the best strategy.
you have read this article then that's a good first step, now take some action
by implementing some of the tips!
and fitness is a way of life, and it's a great way of life too.
Those clothes which you
have stored away because you didn't feel comfortable wearing will hopefully
start to creep back in!
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