Monday, October 24, 2016

An At Home Cellulite Remedy That Works!

If you are one of the 80% of women who are over the age of 20 who has cellulite, you have probably searched all over the web trying to find the best home cellulite remedy that works. And, if you are like most of these women you have probably had little luck finding a solution that actually does. Well today my friend, that is all going to change. Here you will discover an at home cellulite remedy that actually works. I am going to describe to you 4 easy steps of a home cellulite remedy that has been proven to work.
1. Stop eating those toxic fat filled foods.
Eating foods that are overflowing with fat is the number one contributor to those unsightly bumps and lumps under your skin. The more foods you eat that are filled with sugar and fat, the more toxins that will build up in your body that cause those unsightly dimples. Now that you understand where this problem comes from, you should stop eating those incredibly fatty foods in order to reduce their growth.
2. Consume more of the foods that are known to combat cellulite:
By eating more of the foods that have been proven to work as a great at home cellulite remedy will help your body combat cellulite even harder. These foods include proteins from poultry, lean meats, omega 3 fatty acids found in fish such as Salmon, organic berries, nuts, vegetables with bright colors, legumes, peas, etc. By eating these foods as a home cellulite remedy you will make it that much easier for your body to extinguish the toxins that have built up and caused that unsightly cellulite in the first place.
3. Exercises for cellulite are essential to any anti-cellulite plan.
Not only will cellulite exercises cure your cellulite problems, but it will also help tone your body's muscles, that will give you a lean, sculpted, and sexy look. Exercises for cellulite will also give your body a layer of defense to keep that awful cellulite from ever coming back. Now, not to worry, if you are exercise phobic, you will be glad to know that it only takes around 15 minutes a day to complete your at home cellulite remedy exercise regime.
4. The Final Touch for your At Home Cellulite Remedy: Anti-Cellulite Creams:
Anti-Cellulite creams are the last step to your at home cellulite remedy. Using a cellulite cream, combined with the proper diet and exercise will create a deadly combination that will completely annihilate cellulite. You will want to apply this amazing cream to your cellulite problem areas on clean skin as soon as you get out of the shower. Cellulite creams work to increase blood flow underneath the skin at your cellulite problem areas that will help eliminate the toxins that have built up there.
By following this proven at home cellulite remedy plan you will begin to see incredible results in reducing cellulite appearance in as little as a few weeks!

If you are truly serious about finding a cure for cellulite, a great way to fight cellulite's root cause is by investing in an exercise routine specifically designed to target cellulite, along with a little tweaking of your diet. By choosing one or both of these cures for cellulite you will come to see a significant change in your cellulite in just a few weeks. Click either link below to learn more about Exercises for Cellulite and start to reduce your cellulite's appearance today.

Discover the Best Cellulite Treatments and Cellulite Causes

It's easy to describe cellulite. Cellulite is the excess fat deposited on particular areas of the body - generally on the bottom, thighs, hips, and abdomen. It looks like an orange peel has been placed under the epidermis leaving the skin looking bumpy and unsightly.
Factors Causing Cellulite
Cellulite is a fat tissue that appears below the skin's surface. People do not need to be overweight to have cellulite, in truth, slender people can have quite a bit on their bum, cleavage, legs, and abdomen too. No one likes it and everyone wants to get rid of it.
Of course, the best way to get rid of cellulite is to know what causes it in the first place. Cellulite is created by these:
Up first - Genetics
Folks who have very close kinfolk that have cellulite are way more susceptible to it themselves. Experiments reveal that about 85% of adult females who experience cellulite have family members (primarily parents) suffering from the same problem at least once in their life span.
Next, No Physical Activity
Those who don't workout need to shape up their muscles to hinder cellulite production. A day-to-day workout routine is one way in keeping cellulite from the body. Running, hiking, and climbing stairs are also great activities to steer clear of cellulite. Focus on the parts of the body that are more prone to cellulite. Of course, working out the entire body helps burn fat all over.
Another Cause - Terrible Eating Patterns
Bad food combined with unnecessary consumption of alcoholic drinks and caffeinated beverages in addition to spicy foods are heavily connected to cellulite growth. When an incredible amount of these 'bad foods' are eaten, the body manages to lose its capability to purge the toxic substances they produce so they are retained in the fatty tissue. Professionals highly recommend 8 glasses of water everyday as opposed to caffeinated drinks or alcoholic beverages to remove those toxins.
Did You Know About Smoking
Few people grasp that smoking tobacco is one of the factors of cellulite production. It damages the skin by constricting the circulation of blood and harms the tissues in the skin. From this, the skin develops the effects of cellulite.
Getting Rid of Cellulite
A surefire approach to diminish or eliminate cellulite is by way of a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and plenty of water to remove the harmful toxins from the human body.
You'll find loads of cellulite products in stores these days along with many procedures that are conducted by professionals. A few of these products and procedures include the following:
Women who are dealing with excessive cellulite and have the desire to wipe them out right away may opt for liposuction. This consists of elimination of cellulite or fat deposits through surgical operation. Even though liposuction has possible adverse effects, an increasing number of people are considering it on account of its quick and superb results. Keep in mind this procedure is not permanent.
Then again, individuals that don't have the funds or the courage to consider liposuction choose cellulite creams that contain herbs, antioxidants, and minerals. These creams supply you with necessary moisture and boost the blood flow to damaged and dehydrated cellulite-affected parts of the body. These creams have an incredibly low approval rate of users mainly because minimal success can be found in two or three months of use.
Cellulite lift, meanwhile, has really promising benefits and is particularly designed for those who have shed a substantial amount of weight and ended up leaving too much skin behind. At this time, cellulite lift is the most invasive technique to bring back younger, supple skin. Although it promises amazing outcomes, it equally comes with problems. It can leave extensive scarring and increased recovery time for the patient.
One more treatment is identified as laser lipolysis. This technique was formed in the country of Italy. This cellulite treatment is done by using fiber-optic lasers and very small incisions on the targeted body parts. This laser holds more than 500 grams of excess body fat.
Cellulite is one of the biggest complaints being experienced by Americans currently. Having said that, when using prevention tips and approaches listed here and on other parts of the web, cellulite should be no problem! Find out how to beat it and have a breathtaking body in no time flat.
Never worry about cellulite again by following these get rid of cellulite tips.
Try these cellulite solution to steer clear of surgery!

Cellulite - What Is It And What Treatments Work Best?

Cellulite Natural Treatment

Cellulite - All women know what this is, right? Yet there is great disagreement and some controversy in the medical community as to what it is and whether or not it is actually a real thing, a real diagnosis! The WebMD website says that "its name makes it sound like a medical condition"! Well, this "non-medical" condition seriously affects and deeply troubles some 80- 90% of adult women! Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each year trying to treat it. If all that doesn't qualify cellulite as a true condition worthy of respect and attention by our physicians then something's very wrong! Even so, there are many scary sounding "medical condition" names which have been applied to what we commonly call cellulite including adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, and gynoid lipodystrophy. Common nicknames for cellulite include orange peel syndrome, cottage cheese skin, quilted mattress skin, and seat cushion skin.
Multiple "causes" have been implicated (including genetic) but we still don't really know for sure. Cellulite is rarely seen in men - is it a hormonally linked condition? Why does cellulite predominantly affect the abdomen, buttocks and thighs - why these areas? No one knows but it does suggest a hormonal mediated mechanism; reminiscent of stretch marks (striae atrophica) and their common areas of distribution - remarkably similar! Cellulite also seems to appear during hormonally active periods in women's lives - adolescence, pregnancy, and menopause.
Most of us, doctors and patients alike, would recognize cellulite to be a dimpled, puckered, irregular appearing skin surface affecting large areas. Dimples may be cute on the face, but not on your thighs! The thighs, especially the outer thighs, seem to be the most commonly affected areas. At the microscopic level we know that something is happening to the architecture of the skin causing it to appear uneven, puckered and so unappealingly unsmooth. There seems to be a pseudoherniation (a bulging out without a true bulging through) of the superficial subcutaneous fat poking nearly through the tight fibrous connective tissue bands (which are supposed to act as retaining walls for the fat) underneath the skin. We see the sum total of all these bulges as an overall lumpy, bumpy look to the surface of the skin. It is very reminiscent of the way pillow material bulges in between the buttons of a seat cushion!
Cellulite Natural Treatment

Doctors studying this dimpling phenomenon also recognized that depending on its severity, body position could also affect the appearance of cellulite. In 1978, the Nurnburger-Muller Scale was published:
The Nurnburger-Muller Scale(1978) for Cellulite Classification:
0 - no visible dimpling
1 - dimpling visible on pinch/squeeze only
2 - dimpling visible on standing only (not when lying down)
3 - dimpling always present/visible (whether standing or lying down)
There are a multitude of "options " available for treating cellulite today. A recent Google search on "treatments for cellulite" revealed 1.4 million hits! But do any of them really work? Dr. Molly Wanner (noted Harvard dermatologist) said "there is no treatment for cellulite". Noted dermatologist Michael McGuire of UCLA concurred (NY Times article, 2009).
Weight loss and strength training should help, but are not always the answer! Cellulite is not always associated with being overweight or out of shape. Skinny or overweight - you can still have cellulite. Many slender women in great shape are plagued with cellulite.
Nutritional changes and dietary supplements reportedly of assistance in the fight against cellulite include the use of gingko biloba, sweet clover, grape seed bioflavonoids, bladderwrack extract, oil of evening primrose, fish oil, omega 3's & 6's, soy lecithin, green tea, milk thistle, and niacin. Goals of these: boost metabolism, increase circulation, increase cellular nutrition, and increase fat metabolism/breakdown. So called anti-cellulite diets are designed to decrease inflammation, increase circulation, and increase fat metabolism. It is very tough to prove or disprove any of these claims or to determine if any of these intended effects are actually happening.
Anti-cellulite creams typically contain forms of methylxanthines (theophylline, aminophylline, caffeine) known to decrease blood vessel flow, decrease tissue fluids and to increase fat metabolism - but do they even get through the skin? Do the concentrations reach a level where they can be effective? Are they around long enough to effect any real changes? The evidence is very inconclusive for these creams and their effectiveness. Decreasing tissue fluids does have the effect of temporarily reducing the appearance of cellulite. As you will see throughout this article, any technique temporarily decreasing tissue fluids will temporarily "work"!
Retin-A/retinols show some benefit via the overall improvements in skin quality that come with the better skin tone and smoothness they can effectuate. There is some evidence that incorporating Retin-A with some of the methylxanthine-containing creams might create a synergistic effect better than either one alone for reducing the appearance of cellulite.
Tanning does help minimize the appearance of cellulite. But tanning rays from the sun or from a salon booth work via a UV radiation damage to the skin! This carries more real disadvantages (skin aging, skin looks even worse long term, skin cancer risks) than any potential benefits. Artificial or spray-type tanning techniques are a much safer alternative!
Herbal, seaweed and other types of body "wraps" work by decreasing tissue fluids (i.e., they do work, but it is only temporary).
Deep tissue massage will theoretically increase local blood flow, eliminate toxins, and decrease the tissue fluids. The only one of these three which have proven (albeit temporary) effectiveness is the "decrease the fluid" claim! Massage as a part of any treatment method will result in at least temporary improvement in cellulite because it causes a temporary decrease in tissue fluids and a temporary "redistribution/shifting" of the subcutaneous fat as well.
The Endermology device uses a special roller vacuum/massage technique. This does help - but like many treatments - it is temporary. Short term, temporary treatments like Endermology seem effective because they decrease tissue fluids in the area, and/or effect a temporary fat "redistribution". As you will continue to see, this strategy is the basis for many cellulite treatment options.
The Silhouette device is essentially similar to the Endermology technology, utilizing the massage principles of decreasing tissue fluids and shift/redistributing of fat for temporarily reducing the appearance of cellulite.
Mesotherapy is very controversial as to its efficacy or consistency for fat removal alone. A lot of needles and injections are involved. The injected chemical cocktails are intended to induce fat "melting" not really for the treatment of cellulite. And even more irregularities in skin surface texture can result from a mesotherapy treatment because the melting is not necessarily uniform or even - i.e. more cellulite! Other reported problems include infection, rashes, and allergic reactions.
Radiofrequency (RF) is an integral part of several of both the non-invasive and minimally invasive machines and techniques available today. RF works by creating heat. This heat can melt fat and "shrink wrap" loose skin to various degrees. It makes sense that this should have benefits for cellulite - or does it? The results are inconclusive thus far and RF has therefore not yet been approved or cleared by the FDA as anti-cellulite treatment.
Vanquish uses RF to heat and kill fat cells in way similar to HIFU( see below). The skin can get very warm/hot (like an intense sun tanning exposure). A series of 6 - 8 treatment sessions, each lasting about 45 minutes is needed. Total cost is about $3000 -$4000.
Pellevé uses RF and massage for the (as expected) "temporary improvement" of cellulite.
Infrared light/red light as a type of non-invasive low level laser therapy (LLLT) seems to actually work - but (as all the research has shown) it must be the right wavelength of light to work.
Diode laser based systems depend upon a series of treatments to be most effective, as most treatments do. However, diode lasers can be a key component of a non-invasive LLLT system and will have benefit if the proper wavelength is utilized.
Smooth Shapes uses a vacuum massage plus a 650nm light and a 915nm laser. The massage effects are temporary. The low level laser therapy (LLLT) has more of basis for long term effectiveness but there is no research supported/peer reviewed published data on these light or laser wavelengths.
The TriActive machine uses a form of LLLT plus vacuum massage.
Liposuction is a great option for recontouring the body via the removal of troublesome localized fat deposits, but it is a poor choice for treating cellulite itself. Liposuction is very unlikely to make any areas of cellulite any better and can actually make areas of overlying cellulite worse!
SmartLipo laser lipolysis (fat melting) technology is a minimally invasive (not non-invasive) procedure. Theory: laser melts the fat, tightens the skin, causing overall smoothing. In practice - pretty good for getting rid of stubborn fat, rarely helps the cellulite.

Cellulaze is from the same company (Cynosure) that manufactures the SmartLipo machines. Cellulaze is similarly promoted as a "minimally invasive" procedure - but these are surgical procedures! A thin laser cable is inserted under the skin through an incision to melt the subcutaneous fat and snip the fibrous bands tethering the skin. It works - sort of - but not great. All the risks of a surgical procedure- recovery/downtime issues, infection, scarring - must be considered.
Subcision is a very old method developed to try to "release" and correct bound down, depressed, tethered scars via the actual surgical cutting of the fibrous scar bands under the skin. This technique is sometimes recommended in one form or another to treat cellulite. As a matter of fact, Cellulaze depends substantially on this strategy. The effectiveness of the subcision technique for treating cellulite has never been clearly established.
Collagenases are actual connective tissue dissolving enzymes which are applied to or injected under the skin, intended to loosen the tight, fibrous bands as a way to potentially smooth out the bumpiness. There are many ongoing studies, but this is still completely experimental.
HIFU stands for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound. This is a non-invasive, non-surgical way of targeting fat deposits for melting. The focused ultrasound generates intense heat under the skin, killing and melting the fat cells as a possible alternative to liposuction - but it really hurts! CoolSculpt uses fat freezing technology instead of heat to kill fat cells. Neither technology has been shown to have any positive effect on cellulite. For all we know, the effects of ultrasound or freezing on cellulite could be similar to that often seen for liposuction - not good!